What is Rapid eLearning Development?
While there is no one single definition for rapid eLearning development, there are a few commonly accepted attributes that best describe it.
Rapid development
The typical rapid eLearning development project is completed in a much shorter timeline than traditional eLearning development, usually within two to three weeks.
Heavily reliant on subject matter experts (SME)
Instead of relying on instructional designers to write the course content, rapid eLearning development typically relies directly on SMEs to write the content, and work directly with the developers. This can significantly reduce development time by eliminating the instructional designer “middleman”.
Typically Uses templates and simple interactions
One of the reasons rapid eLearning development can move so quickly is because it relies heavily on templates for a repeatable design, and limits interactions to simple clicks and basic multiple choice, true/false, and drag and drop quizzes. Some more customized content can be used, but the idea is to keep design fairly simple.
What are the benefits rapid eLearning development?
Perhaps the most obvious benefit of rapid eLearning development is quick turnaround time. The majority of course can go live in a matter of weeks.
Utilizes your Subject Matter Experts
By allowing you organization’s subject matter experts to write the training content themselves, you will not need to hire an educational designer. This not only reduces development time, but also cost.
Reduced Cost
With reduced turnaround time, and fewer people involved in the design chain, overall development cost can be greatly reduced.
Rapid updates
Rapid eLearning development may be ideal if you have content that requires frequent updates and enhancements.
Are there any drawbacks to rapid eLearning development?
Because rapid eLearning development is designed to be completed quickly, and is often heavily reliant on templates and prefabricated quizzes, it doesn’t really lend itself to highly customized lessons. Also, your SMEs may know the subject matter backward and forward, but they are most likely not trained as educational designers. This can lead to courses that are not as engaging as they possibility could be.
Is rapid eLearning development right for your organization?
Contact me to schedule a consultation. We can discuss your training needs in detail to determine if my rapid eLearning development service is right for you.